
Manual Changes

GitHub Issue Template Config

Discord Server (line 7)

Ideally you should have a link a server/group on something like discord or matrix. Discord would be preferred since is more used.

Email (line 12)

Ideally you should also have an email. Unfortunately GitHub doesn’t let you put emails directly or mailto links so you have to use a site like the one I used to generate a special link with your email.


Categories (line 12)

Fill the array with any of these categories with a maximum of 5. Just make sure they represent your project.

Keywords (line 13)

Fill the array with any keywords that represent your project, the maximum is 5. For maximum reach I recommend you write 5 distinct ones.

Debian section (line 27)

Change changeme tag with your desired section. Go to this debian page click on a section you want and up top you’ll see Section… something, that something is what you need to put here.


Project about (line 99)

This is the section where you provide your long description explaining how cool your project is, what are the highlights of it and problems it fixes.

Features (line 107)

This is the list of features your project has or will have, written using a checkbox list. Here you should put all your long time goals, things you want your project to be able to do eventually in order to attract people to keep following the progress and give you a star.

Video showcase (line 113)

You should record a video of you using the project, cut out the useless parts and speed it up, in order to show a user exactly what it does. This will help people save time and help you get more users, someone may not think they need your project, but after they see the showcase they might change their minds.

After you have your video go to GitHub to edit your README, delete the changeme text and drag your video over inside the parenthesis. The video will get uploaded to GitHub’s servers and a direct link to it will be placed there.

Third-party libraries (line 125)

Any external crates you’re using with a hyperlink to them (on lib.rs or crates.io) and a short phrase explaining why.

Usage basics (line 477)

Basic concepts a user needs to know in order to use your app. The basics should be intuitive, if they aren’t you should rethink your interface, this is just in case some users are in doubt.

Usage advanced (line 481)

Advanced concepts a user might want to know to take full advantage of your app.

The ID of the road map associated with your project on GitHub. If you don’t have one go to your repository page, click on Projects up top and create a new one.

FAQ (line 511)

The frequently asked questions, usual questions the users might have about your project and their answers. You can write them in the template I gave you or any other way.


Fuzz harnesses (line 65)

Information about every fuzz harness you have, what is tests.