All of the following have to be met in order for this template to work to its
full potential and not encounter any issues. If you for example don’t want to
upload to the AUR just edit .github/workflows/release.yml
For all of the actions, branch rules etc. to be available (if you are a free GitHub user) the repository has to be public.
On your GitHub repository page go to Settings, Actions, General (the link should
look like this:{USER}/{REPO}/settings/actions
), scroll
down to Workflow permissions
and make sure Read and write permissions
selected. This is so the actions can create new releases.
You must use SemVer. Every release you make should look
something like this: v0.1.0-stable
or v0.1.0-beta
. Note, only stable
releases will make external changes like updating AUR stable pkgs or homebrew
You will need to have public repository on your account named homebrew-tap
When the you create a new stable release the GitHub actions will update/publish
the homebrew version for macOS.
All of the following have to be added in the secrets tab for actions. To get
here go to your GitHub repository page -> Settings -> Secrets and variables ->
Actions -> Secrets tab (the link should look like this:{USER}/{REPO}/settings/secrets/actions
). In order to add a
secret click New repository secret
Create a new access token, copy it and
save it somewhere safe, you will not able to after. Create a new secret with the
and paste the token in the secret box (second box). The
token you create will be of type classic and have only the repository scope
You’ll need an AUR account with ssh keys for the next steps, if you don’t have one:
Create a new account, you only need to provide a username, email and password (on the next page). Unfortunately you will need to boot an Arch Linux iso (if you don’t use Arch) to complete the captcha verification, but it’s only a one time thing.
To generate a new key pair run:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
, replacing the example
email with the one you used for your AUR account.
Open you .pub file in ~/.ssh
and copy everything besides your email, go
to the My account page on AUR and paste it in the SSH Public Key section.
Scroll down fill in your password and hit update.
Create a new secret with the name AUR_USERNAME
fill in your AUR username in
the secret box (second box).
Create a new secret with the name AUR_EMAIL
fill in your AUR email in the
secret box (second box).
Open your ssh private key file in ~/.ssh
(the one that doesn’t end in .pub)
and copy everything. Create a new secret with the name AUR_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY
paste your key in the secret box (second box).
You’ll need a token for the following steps, if you don’t have one:
Create a new secret with the name CRATES_TOKEN
fill in your token in
the secret box (second box).